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Three Acts of Schedule and the Four "P"s

Premise, Plot, Prose, and Pitch

A Conference in Three Acts

LIVE JUNE 12 - 15, 2025

The following schedule isn't meant to be overly daunting, though it may appear so. In pre-event emails we'll note the *most* important aspects of the schedule you should prioritize or triage. Regardless, what you see below broadly covers what takes place before, during, and following the Write to Pitch Conference 2025. Aside from the nuances of creating an artful and realistic novel pitch, you will discover an even stronger emphasis on developing and writing a novel that is pragmatically pitch-worthy in the first place. To elaborate, an emphasis on the fundamentals of premise, plot, and prose narrative execution—three of the most crucial elements prone to causing novel rejection if not displaying sufficient expertise and verve.

Act I of the conference schedule consists of the totality of pre-event novel editing and refinement which focuses on both the critical basics and advanced elements that event faculty will wish to discuss - all of which must be taken into serious consideration during the process of conceiving and executing the modern genre novel (not to mention literary novels with strong plots). Act I pre-event includes the invaluable resource of the NYWP 2025 eBook.

Act II consists of a general daily overview of the conference schedule for four days and Act III defines the 16-part novel editorial program, utilized for post-event manuscript editorial polish and reality checking prior to querying or ms submission.

Act I - Pre-Event and Prose

Taking into productive consideration the items below is not mandatory, but strongly advised if you truly wish your manuscript and skill-set to be as honed as possible. Keep in mind, the competition is fierce and the market is tough. You must earn and take advantage of every edge you possibly can.

1. The First Seven Assignments

Preliminary work towards reaching an understanding of the most critical core elements to be considered in novel development and writing. Focus on Story Statement, Plotting with Antagonists, Breakout Titles, Genre and Comparables, Core Wounds and Three Conflict Levels, Choosing Dynamic Settings and  [MORE].

2. Labors, Sins, and Six Acts

NOTE:Detailing a score or more of vital elements both publishers and readers demand be present in contemporary novels. Creates models and draws examples directly from the best authors in all genres, and by doing so, provides writers with a bridge to application in the context of their own work-in-progress.

Relentless Application I : The High Concept Premise, Dramatic Act Structure and Plotting Nuance, Six Act Two-Goal Novel, Diagnostic Pitching, and  [MORE].

Relentless Application II: Ten Critical First Steps, Epiphany Light, Seven Novel Sins, Logs and Cores as Development Tool, the Three Most Primary Core Elements, Top Worst Writer Advice, Statements of Theme, and  [MORE]. And as noted above, all this can be found in the NYWP 2025 eBook (or in a single large PDF file we will provide if you prefer).

3. Models of Competitive Narrative

In preparation for the reading of first pages by event faculty, writers log into Algonkian Author Connect and the New York Write to Pitch forum. Once there, they click on the Guidelines and Criteria for Prose Narrative, read the enhancement notes, then utilize them to rewrite their current first pages prior to the start of the conference.

Following the read and editorial comments on these pages conducted later by conference faculty, the writers will possess a model of competitive prose narrative they can reference and apply for the remainder of the novel.
Act II - Live in New York

Below is a generic breakdown of the four full days of the Write to Pitch 2025. Faculty in attendance will be communicated to attendees prior to the actual event taking place. All in all, each writer pitches and discusses their work with five faculty professionals. Fifteen to twenty faculty, or more, are common at any given event. See Writer Benefits for more information. Writers will also cover their pre-event prose and narrative assignment with their workshop leader.

 In effect, throughout the four days, writers engage in pitch and analytic discussion with each professional for the dual purpose of networking and development, interweaving also through a series of workshops with the intent of further improving the novel on all core levels, and therefore the pitch as well. Writers at all times will be told with frank honesty what they need to hear. Comments on the process can be found on this page.

  • Thursday, 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM - writers partition into development workshops based on genre and pitch their first professional.
  • Friday morning, 10:00 AM to Noon - writers pitch their second professional in a group.
  • Friday afternoon, 1:30 to 4:00 PM - writers return to development workshop to recap and edit novel and pitch as needed.
  • Saturday morning, 10:00 AM to Noon - writers pitch their third professional in private (workshop leader in attendance for support).
  • Saturday afternoon, 1:30 to 4:00 PM - writers pitch their fourth professional in private (same as above).
  • Sunday morning at 10:00 AM - writers pitch their fifth professional in private.
  • Sunday afternoon - writers meet with workshop leaders for final recap and plan-for-publication session--1:00 to 2:00 PM.
Act III - Post-Event

Step-by-Step Courses - Check the Box on Major Novel Elements

 This post-event novel editorial program was brainstormed by the faculty of Algonkian Writer Conferences and later tested by NYC publishing professionals for practical and time-sensitive utilization by genre writers (SF/F, YA, Mystery, Thriller, Historical, etc.), as well as upmarket literary writers. The goal is to get you as close to the brass ring as possible, to make your novel as commercially competitive as it needs to be on all levels while avoiding critical missteps. Not mandatory, but strongly recommended.


"Write to Pitch: Development Guideposts and Crucial Craft Prior to Novel Pitching"
(2025 Edition)

 Amazon Page
 Free Kindle Reader

A compilation of articles drawn from Act I of the schedule. Every attendee needs to order a copy and read it insofar as possible prior to the event. The book addresses the most vital core points that will be discussed in the context of each writer's novel. From relatively simple matters of proper title choice to polished interior monologue, it's all here.

Very Relevant 2025 Links

Pre-Event Kindle 2025
2025 New York Faculty
2025 Workshop Leaders
2025 Conference Director
More Reviews & Contracts

Application and Registration