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A Few More Good Reasons to Attend the "Write to Pitch 2025"

Four Types of Writers Benefit Most

Elaboration of Benefits and Perks

LIVE JUNE 12 - 15, 2025

What are the advantages of attending the Write to Pitch 2025? Is it just for pitching? No. It's for developing novels via a professional editorial process that begins before you arrive and continues, as needed, after you depart. The overall plan is to make your manuscript as competitive as possible while also providing you with the network and one-on-one opportunities to place your work in commercial markets (including TV and film) via professionally managed pitch sessions, and in particular, ones that allow ample post-pitch discussion time. As we've noted elsewhere, our goal is to set you on a realistic path not only to publication, but to becoming a career author.

So what is the best way to get there? A faculty with decades of experience know without doubt that every novel manuscript crossing the threshold into the event needs additional development - the amount and type of editing depending on the stage of the novel manuscript, as well as on the skill set of the particular writer. Thus, we provide advanced novel development and prose burnishing forums ahead of time in order to raise every writer to a superior and equal state of cognition prior to meeting with professionals; and of course this process inevitably compels them to tweak their novels, and often in productive ways they had not envisioned.

Additional major benefits and perks of the conference as follows:

  • Compared to other writer conferences, a better, if not much better opportunity for writers to have their novel manuscript selected and read by the best professionals in New York. The odds are currently running 1/4 for selection based on the quality of pitches and writers in attendance (due to workshop efforts to create great pitches and manuscripts, vigorous screening of potential attendees, and the conference itself which attracts top talent), and due also to the fact that all writers are given sufficient time, and in a relaxed atmosphere, to pitch and discuss their projects with faculty. No ridiculously long lines and buzzers.

  • Advanced craft classes that fully address the mastery of prose narrative necessary for becoming professionally published in today's super competitive market.

  • Novel deconstruction and analysis from industry professionals (editors, authors, and teachers of writing) that addresses the major fictional elements of plot, character, complication, and resolution, among others - the purpose being to not only assist writers with creating competitive projects, but prepare them pre-pitch to receive maximum productive reaction.

  • Access to a 16-part novel rewrite forum to focus and finalize any and all novel edits and developmental tweaks following the conference. This greatly facilitates the post-event submission process and leads to a greater chance of success.

  • Knowledge of the latest bewares, trends, and needs of the book market at the source: the New York publishing world.

  • Ability to directly apply the above knowledge to the process of pitch-marketing the novel to agents and editors, i.e., written and oral emphasis on log lines, hooks, high concept premise, comparables, credentials, genre, and the composition of project synopses.

  • Networking opportunities with industry professionals and other writers in an artistic and relaxed setting. The conference screening process assures writers chosen for the New York Pitch Conference are a few notches above. In other words, writers will not be closed in a room with people who don't know a plot point from a character arc.

  • Opportunities, depending on writer and project, to interact with faculty following the conference for purposes of obtaining agency representation, or editorial assistance, as needed.

  • Project validation or plan for validation. The conference method enables writers to obtain either validation of their novel project (understanding the novel premise/plot is commercially viable), or knowledge of what they must do to create a competitive novel project in the context of today's market.

  • The formation of close-knit writer communities. The conference inevitably leads to groups of writers forming supportive online communities following the event, many of which last for several years, if not longer.
Who Benefits Most?

Writers Who Need a Frank Reality Check

You've been working on your novel for a few months or a few years (or more) and you feel you need a reality check to determine whether or not you are on the right track. Perhaps you are not sure about the premise or evolution of the plot and/or you've received conflicting or potentially bad advice from too many amateurs. Reality check time. The publishing house editors and other commercial veterans at the event will be analytical and frank with you, but best to evaluate yourself first and shed whatever thin skin remains.

Writers Seeking Pro Editorial Guidance

Our writers obtain logins to select and advanced novel editorial-and-development forums at Algonkian Author Connect, and for post-event purposes, as appropriate, writers utilize the Algonkian Novel Writing Program for final rewrites prior to submission. Prose enhancement and writing classes taking place during the event also contribute, not to mention the plotting and other structural guidance provided as a matter of course. Advice does not come from amateurs at the conference, only from professionals with many years of tested experience.

Writers With a Complete or Near Complete MS

If you have a complete or near complete novel ms or narrative non-fiction and you feel it is ready to pitch to an editor or agent, the Write to Pitch Conference is organized and designed to benefit you in a number of different ways. See the event schedule page for more detailed information. However, if you are early stage or at mid-point, you might choose to attend because you've wisely realized you need guidance on shaping your novel (see "Frank Reality Check" above).

Writers Who Wish to Understand Publishing

Regardless the condition of your novel, you wish to use this conference as a means of learning more about the publishing business from a variety of insiders, and just as importantly, in an atmosphere that allows for productive interaction. Both the acquisition and fiction editors will cover this subject matter in considerable detail. Also, all editors will be very frank. This is not for writers who simply want their backs slapped.

Who Should Stay Home?

Writers in Search of the Average Writer Conference (e.g., Writer's Digest, Pacific NWWC, San Fran, etc.)

This event is not for rank beginners who might well benefit from the average type of U.S. writer conference, i.e, one that has panels, key note speakers, and classes for beginners.

Writers in Search of Praise Only

The Write to Pitch Conference exists to provide writers an opportunity to pitch their novels to top editorial professionals, as well as a realistic window into the publishing business and what it takes to get a novel successfully published. As necessary, during the pitch shops and sessions, we will tell you what works and what does not. If we fail to be honest, we fail not only you, but everyone else participating with you. If you are not looking for honest evaluation, please look elsewhere.


"Write to Pitch: Development Guideposts and Crucial Craft Prior to Novel Pitching"
(2025 Edition)

 Amazon Page
 Free Kindle Reader

A compilation of articles drawn from Act I of the schedule. Every attendee needs to order a copy and read it insofar as possible prior to the event. The book addresses the most vital core points that will be discussed in the context of each writer's novel. From relatively simple matters of proper title choice to polished interior monologue, it's all here.

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