The Premier Career Launcher for Aspiring Authors

- Come to NYC and Help Algonkian Writer Conferences Celebrate 18 years of Successful Events -

A Writer Event Like No Other

LIVE NYC SEPTEMBER 19 - 22, 2024
Novel Cover Images Courtesy NY Pitch

Is this event just for pitching? No. The Write to Pitch Conference 2024, unique among writer conferences, features an array of programs and a time-tested methodology that works to get writers published. The primary goal is to provoke an aspiring author like you into further editing and refining the novel in order to make it more competitive, and when ready, pitching it using a strategy and format that greatly increases the chances of selection, and therefore, publication. As such, this conference is just as suited for writers and manuscripts with the potential to become published as it is for those 95% ready (a few edits always needed). Our envied record of past success is evident in the number and types of contracts we've been responsible for over the years.

The conference begins before you arrive and continues upon departure with specialized programs and online forums custom designed to make you as sharp and competitive in the art and business of novel writing as you need to be (see the conference event schedule). Genres we work with include all varieties of suspense, mystery, crime, thrillers and sub-genres, serious and light women's fiction including rom-com, YA and adult science fiction and fantasy sub-genres, historical fiction, horror, general fiction, upmarket, and competitive literary forms (i.e. stories with actual plot).

The event is held four times a year and features successful commercial agents, TV/Film content seekers and producers, as well as accomplished acquisition editors from major houses and renowned presses such as Penguin, St. Martins, Harper Collins, Tor, Del Rey, Kensington, and many more, all actively searching for new novels and voices in a variety of genres.


Evolution and Enhancement - v.2.0

The old New York Pitch Conference (since 2005) birthed a lot of careers, educated hundreds more, and at a minimum resulted in several score fitted for the brass ring. However, the demands of productivity and adaptation inevitably pushed the Algonkian Conferences to make important changes going forward into 2024.

It was unquestionably more beneficial to retain the best aspects, the core of the New York Pitch, and work towards a pragmatic goal of enhancement rather than replacement. The scope and depth of the event was indisputably improved, provided with cell-responsive styling, and road tested with agents and publishers. The result? A new and potent hybrid known as the "Write to Pitch 2024," an event that successfully combines the best features of two previous Algonkian conferences that endured for decades: the New York Pitch and the Write to Market Conference in California.

There are no great writers, only great rewriters.
- NY Pitch Motto
Event Benefits & the True Goal

Photo Left - Best Selling Author Carola Lovering

What are the perks and advantages of the Write to Pitch 2024 event in New York? As noted previously, the event is for developing novels to make them sufficiently competitive while also providing authors with the network and one-on-one opportunities they need to place their work in commercial markets (including TV and film) via professionally managed pitch sessions, and in particular, ones that allow ample post-pitch discussion time with the faculty. In summary, the goal is to set you on a realistic path not only to publication, but to becoming a career author.


But Who Benefits Most?

Writers Who Need a Frank Reality Check. You've been working on your novel for a few months, or a few years, and you feel you need a reality check to determine whether or not you are on the right track. Perhaps you are not sure about the premise or evolution of the plot, or you've received conflicting or potentially bad advice from too many amateurs. Reality check time. The publishing house editors and other commercial veterans at the event will be analytical and frank with you, but best to evaluate yourself first and shed whatever thin skin remains.

Writers With a Complete or Near Complete MS

If you have a complete or near complete novel ms or narrative non-fiction and you feel it is ready to pitch to an editor or agent, the Write to Pitch 2024 Conference is organized and designed to benefit you in a number of different ways. See the event schedule page for more detailed information. However, if you are early stage or at mid-point, you might choose to attend because you've wisely realized you need guidance on shaping your novel (see "Frank Reality Check" above).


"Write to Pitch: Development Guideposts and Crucial Craft Prior to Novel Pitching"
(2024 Edition)

 Amazon Page
 Free Kindle Reader

A compilation of articles drawn from Act I of the schedule. Every attendee needs to order a copy and read it insofar as possible prior to the event. The book addresses the most vital core points that will be discussed in the context of each writer's novel. From relatively simple matters of proper title choice to polished interior monologue, it's all here.

Very Relevant 2024 Links

2024 Conference Director
More Accolades & Contracts
Algonkian Writer Conference Reviews
Application and Registration